H5000 CPU - Performance

The H5000 instrument system is powered by a smart Central Processing Unit (CPU), capable of running three levels of software, Hydra, Hercules and Performance. Performance is specifically designed for larger yachts. In addition to the benefits of running a CPU delivered by Hydra, plus the racing features of Hercules, Performance introduces features to facilitate the monitoring of complex systems typical of larger yachts such as support for dual wind sensors. Additionally, the system provides support for dual rudders, including advanced features like rudder toe-in angle. Performance also monitors multiple daggerboards; port, starboard, centre and provides an active draught value (depth below the daggerboard). Further bespoke functionality delivered by Performance for sailing large yachts includes the tracking of ground wind speed and direction, Rate of Turn and enhanced polar performance targets. It is straightforward to set up and calibrate with the new H5000 web-browser interface, however complex the system.
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Type Instrument